* Salvatore Greco ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000525 12:01]:
> Hi 
> I just installed the new Mutt [Mutt 1.2i (2000-05-09)] and when I fired up the
> program, it gave me the following errors:
> Error in /home/salvo/.muttrc, line 706: color: unknown command

I had the same problem. From what I understatnd it means that ncurses
or slang wasnt found.

rerun your configure script including one of these options:
./configure --with-curses=DIR         
./configure --with-slang=DIR

DIR being the location of ncurses/slang installation.

> I'm on a FreeBSD 3.4-stable machine (I installed the port and it went in
> seamlessly).
Same here. Most likely cause the port patched mutt's configure to find
a library.

Any time things appear to be going better, you have overlooked

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