On Mon, Jun 19, 2000 at 09:52:55PM +0200, Marius Gedminas wrote:

> > Hi there.  I can't seem to figure this one out.  It's like sendmail
> > is re-writing the Return-Path header and it's making my posts to some
> > mailing lists bounce for some reason.
> [...]
> Sounds like you need to fix your envelope From_ address.  Mutt 1.2 has a
> nice `set envelope_from' option for this, but you can emulate it with
> set sendmail='/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi [EMAIL PROTECTED]' (IIRC).

I just upgraded and have run into a few problems (see other
messages).  How would I use the envelope thing?

set envelope_from="<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

??  How do I get it to work for my different email addresses?  Stick
it in my macros?   (hmmm... I guess that's pretty obvious).

> Of course, the best solution would be to fix your sendmail settings to
> do proper masquerading (but I'm too lazy to do that ;)

As soon as my new powerpack is here and I upgrade Mandrake I'm going
strictly qmail.  Getting tired of sendmail... =)

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