On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 08:29:38PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> Using a large mallet, [EMAIL PROTECTED] whacked out:
> > However, there is one problem, if the dreaded IMAP message is the
> > *only* one in the folder then mutt gives an error "No messages matched
> > criteria." and doesn't remove the message from the index display.
> If mutt is the only thing you use - and you dont read mails off the server,
> what's wrong in having your procmail dev/nulling them?
?????  Procmail doesn't come into it at all!

I have a system with an IMAP server running on it where I store
'interesting' mail from all the accounts where I run mutt (home, work
and two shell login accounts).  The mail stays on the IMAP server as
the whole point is that I can see it and refer to it from anyhwhere.
The "DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE ...." message doesn't show up when
using mutt to look at mail on a remote IMAP server like this.

Sometimes however I use mutt on the system where the IMAP server is
running, using mutt this way *does* show the unwanted message.  This
is when I want to use the 'limit' command to hide the message.  In
this case mutt is viewing the mailboxes directly, not using the IMAP

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