
The problem is: i have subscribed to two mailing lists and keep all the
letters from them in MH-style mailboxes (i am going to use maildir but
later). Procmail sorts the messages correctly, i have two message bases
but all of the letters in those MH boxes mutt shows are 0 lines long :(
Is this a matter of `Lines:' header? In normal mbox there is no such
problem even if that header i omitted.

Have nice day/nigh (eventually nobody knows when you receive it).
|/       |_,  _   .-  --,    2:480/135@fido    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy

...Przez ulicę przechodzi na żółtym świetle, jabłka obiera żyletką, lubi ryzyko

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