Dear Mutt experts,

I'm a new mutt user (moved over from pine for the threads :-), and after
using the program for a few weeks (and reading the manual, twice)
am now reaching the point where I know what I don't know. :-)

How do I "commit" files marked for deletion? I realize they get removed
when I change mailboxes/folders, but isn't there a command that means
"discard all deleted messages in the current folder NOW"? (The pine
command I'm thinking of is 'x', which is rather unfortunate. :-)
Alternatively, is there any way to hide (not display) deleted messages?

My mail folders are in ~/mail (lowercase), so I use the startup command
        set folder=~/mail
After that, I can refer to my folders as =foldername, which is dandy, but
means I have to type a leading "=" every time I change folders with the
:change-folder command. Is there a way to *not* have to type the initial
"=" character? It works of course if I chdir to ~/mail before running
mutt, but that's a wee bit lame.

For that matter, is there any way I can type a prefix (say, "ord"
for "orders") with some kind of auto-completion of folder names?
I've figured out c<TAB>/ord<RETURN><RETURN>, but that's hardly
a savings in keystrokes, though it does work with arbitrary substrings. Is
there a way to write a macro-with-argument, so I could turn this into the
sequence (bound to, say, the "C" key) Cord<RETURN>? [The point being, of
course, that *after* I type in the argument and hit return, it continues
to run the macro, in that case <RETURN><RETURN>.]

Oh, and thanks a lot for mutt. It feels pretty good to an old UNIX horse
like me.
  -- perry
Perry The Cynic                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To a blind optimist, an optimistic realist must seem like an Accursed Cynic.

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