On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 11:19:07PM -0800, rex wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 01:33:50PM +0930, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> > 
> > http://anon.xg.nu/remailer-page.html#top
> > 
> > The newsgroup alt.privacy.anon-server is the best of several that look
> > as if they might have something about mixmaster, and remailers. It has
> > a good FAQ posted every Wednesday. I think it is archived at:-
> > 
> > http://www.almostnotcrazy.org/b/apasfaq/apas-faq.html
> Thanks.
> > I am concentrating on type 1 remailers at present. I amy look again at
> > mixmaster later.
> Have you looked at premail? Last version I know of was 0.46, available at
> http://www.radiusnet.net/crypto/archive/remailer/premail/

Yes, I did look at it and need to look at it more. It is however yet
another example of software that is now fairly old and is not being
supported any more.
> Premail facilitates using chained remailers: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ((chain=3)) 
> It also largely automates nym creation.

I want ot try this. It does look as if it makes a very confusing
business a lot easier and clearer.
> Unfortunately, it uses old style comment addressing for commands, and Mutt is
> paternalistic about addresses and automatically rewrites (mungs, in this
> application) the addresses that need to be passed to premail. Mutt has a
> compile switch to turn off the automatic address rewriting, but there is a
> warning in the docs that it is broken and should not be used. I wish I were
> capable of fixing it.

I guess there is not too much incentive for the mutt developers to fix
this. My C is not really good enough also.
> Nyms and remailers are *so* much easier to use under DOS & Windoze (Potato,
> Jack B Nymble), it's an embarassment to the *nix community. IMO.

It seems you are right although I have never looked at them on a PC.

> -rex
> -- 
> The King has note of all that they intend,
> By interception which they dream not of.
>             --William Shakespeare, _Henry V_, Act II, Scene 2

Associate Professor Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Chemistry, School of BECS, SITE, NT University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.
Phone 08-89466702.     Fax 08-89466847.     http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/
Get PGP2 Key:- http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/chemistry/duke.key.html

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