On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 05:45:12PM +0930, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 11:19:07PM -0800, rex wrote:
> > 
> > Have you looked at premail? Last version I know of was 0.46, available at
> > http://www.radiusnet.net/crypto/archive/remailer/premail/
> Yes, I did look at it and need to look at it more. It is however yet
> another example of software that is now fairly old and is not being
> supported any more.

Yes. :(  There have been some updates in the Debian distribution. It's up to

> > Nyms and remailers are *so* much easier to use under DOS & Windoze (Potato,
> > Jack B Nymble), it's an embarassment to the *nix community. IMO.
> It seems you are right although I have never looked at them on a PC.

I've been using nyms under Windoze/DOS since '95. I've yet to be able to get
one working under Linux, though I've been using it for at least 5
years. Periodically I spend a few hours trying and invariably give up
cursing in frustration.

I fought with mixmaster 2.9b23 for a few more hours and got it to compile as
both a client and a remailer. I suppose just the remailer would do, but
couldn't tell from the docs and thought it would be easier to test the
client. I can't make it work interactively as it apparently fails to find
the public key for the recipient, even though the key is on
~/.pgp/pubring.pgp, which is where the man page says it should be. It did
work from the command line with a file previously encrypted.

Unfortunately, there is still the -T problem with using it from Mutt. A fix
is mentioned in Ulf's TODO of 29 June 2000, but it hasn't happened.


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