This is not an IMAP issue, since IMAP is only for reading mail, not
sending it. You likely have a sendmail problem. In mutt, you can fiddle
with $from and $envelope_from, after that you have to twiddle your local
sendmail setup. Unfortunately there are a lot of variables there, and
I'm no expert either. Maybe someone else can help you with sendmail.


On Monday, 06 November 2000 at 11:22, Jeff Williams wrote:
> I'm having trouble using mutt (on my local machine) with our IMAP
> server (another machine), and I don't know on which end the problem
> is.
> As far as I can determine, my outgoing mail does not always get the
> IMAP domain name; sometimes the name of my local machine is used. 
> The result is bounced mail (someone tries to reply to me@localhost
> instead of me@IMAPserver) and refusal of mailing lists to accept
> my mail (the list server knows me as me@IMAPserver and doesn't
> accept mail from me@localhost.

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