Yes, line wrapping is the editor's job. I suggest to use "set tw=72" or
"set textwidth=72" in the config file. "set co=72" only sets the width
of the display (number of columns), but does no real line wrapping in
the text. In Vim, you may hit "gqap" or "gqip" to format the current
paragraph (to the given width), save the settings in ~/.vimrc.


On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 04:19:22PM -0500, oldschool wrote:
> if anyone else is interested in the answer to this, try this:
> as root, add the line "set co=72" sans quotes to /etc/vi.exrc
> this does however change system wide properties for vi editor.
> thanks for your help Daniel, I didnt realize this option was set in
> the editor itself.
> -Ethan

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