At 23:07 -0500 30 Jan 2001, mike polniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       Now i already use procmail to find attachments by looking at
> the header for 'Content-Type:.*multipart/mixed' which eliminates PGP and 
> alternative attachments.

That's not really a good test for whether a message has attachments.
Lately, I've been seeing messages from a number of mailers that have
Content-type: multipart/mixed, with only one sub-part.  I woulnd't
consider those as having attachments.

At 12:25 -0500 31 Jan 2001, mike polniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       Mutt does support the pattern '~i ID' which matches the Message-ID:
> field. So since i already use procmail to find messages with attachments, i 
> add another line to the procmail recipe, to replace the original Message-ID:
> | formail -i "Message-ID: <attach>".

Ugghhh!  First, "formail -i" doesn't replace the Message-ID header, it
adds another one.  Second, doing that will break threading of any
replies to those messages; if you reply to such messages, you'll break
the threading for the recipients as well as yourself.

How about using the Expires: header instead?

| formail -I "Expires: Thu,  1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000"

And in .muttrc:

score ~E 2 # No need for folder-hook

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "...handing C++ to the average programmer seems roughly comparable
  to handing a loaded .45 to a chimpanzee."    -- Ted Ts'o

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