On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 04:05:38PM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Ken Weingold thought:
> In the attachment menu of an email I received, I hit 'd' on an
> attached jpeg, then 'q' to get back to the index.  The messaged showed
> the lowercase 'd' indicating that one part was marked for deletion.  I
> resync the mailbox and it doesn't delete the attachment.  Message
> stays the same.  The mailbox is not read-only.  And this is happening
> in my spool folder as well as a mailbox under ~/Mail/.  Any ideas why
> this happens?  This is mutt 1.2.5i.  I have no idea how long it's been
> like this, but I used to be able to do this.
"D"?  or is that just when composing?

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