Chris Green wrote:
> In the mutt pager 8-bit characters (the GB pound sign is the most
> frequent one) used to display as '?', now I've moved to a more recent
> development version of mutt they display as '\nnn' (i.e. the pound
> sign is '\243').  Other programs (vi, cat, more) display the

I was getting the same so I played with my locale settings a little, I
ended up putting "export LC_CTYPE=en_AU.ISO-8859-1" in my .bashrc.  Also
I found that there are some characters around \212 that dont display.
However the majority do.  You'd probably want to use
LC_CTYPE=en_GB.ISO-8859-1 I think that the GB stands for Great
Brittan as I cant think of another country that uses those 2 letters...
You may also need to regenerate your locale after editing
/etc/locale.gen so that the correct locale is uncommented.  I know I
have to do this, but it might be a distribution specific thing...

Don't tell me I'm burning the candle at both ends -- tell me where to
get more wax!!
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