hi out there

i am using mutt 1.2.5i together with fetchmail and procmail. 

is there a way to kinda automatically add an entry to my procmailrc from
within mutt? someting like this:

- mail arrives
- ah, it's spam
- hit ^k (or something else, of course)
- let me decide, what procmail will be looking for (subject, body text)
- if subject or from-address is chosen, automatically fill in the
  content of the actual mail
- let me choose a folder
- write procmailrc

i know, this is quite a lot. but i am almost sure that this is possible
with mutt (for mutt is something like fvwm2 to me: there's nothing which
CAN'T be done with it :)

thanks in advance



Real software engineers work from 9 to 5, because that is the way the
job is described in the formal spec.  Working late would feel like
using an undocumented external procedure.

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