On (29/03/01 10:06), Wade A. Mosely wrote:

>         send-hook . "set from=\"`~/.mutt/selectfrom`\""
> (Note the use of backquotes for command substitution.)

>         set signature='~/.mutt/createsig|'

This is lovely and I fully intend to use it, as soon as I write the
appropriate scripts.

However, I obviously expressed myself badly. What I actually want is
the ability to hit

and have it change the From and Sig to a pre-determined one,
presumably using a :set command. ^bar to change to a different
one. I'd prefer to be able to do this _after_ composing a message, but
will accept answers on how to do it in the index.

And then I shall write some help docs on Macros. I couldn't find
anything I understood.


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