Ailbhe Leamy wrote:
> However, I obviously expressed myself badly. What I actually want is
> the ability to hit
>  ^foo 
> and have it change the From and Sig to a pre-determined one,
> presumably using a :set command. ^bar to change to a different
> one. I'd prefer to be able to do this _after_ composing a message, but
> will accept answers on how to do it in the index.

I'm not sure about the signature being changed after composition by a
keyboard macro, an example to change the "From:" address to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED] (name)' using ^W :

macro compose \cw '<edit-from><home>(<enter><edit-from> \
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (name)<enter>' 'change to "From: name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"'

I hope it helps!

        -- Mr. Wade

Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation

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