Hey all.

I am getting my mutt configs nicely whipped into shape, but I am
missing one thing:  colors when reading or writing mail.  I am using
mutt 1.3.18i with the vvv patches, and  I have the following lines in
my .muttrc (I thought these were supposed to handle the task):

set editor="vim -c '/^$/+1' -u '~/.mutt/mutt.vimrc'"

# mutt.vimrc is the one distributed with mutt.
# Color definitions
#   Tuned for white background

color normal            black           white
color hdrdefault        red             white
color signature         blue            white
color indicator         red             white
color error             brightred       white
color status            red             white
color tree              magenta         white
color tilde             magenta         white
color message           cyan            white
color markers           cyan            white
color attachment        brightmagenta   white
color search            white           green
color quoted            blue            white # quoted text
color quoted1           magenta         white
color quoted2           red             white
color quoted3           green           white
color quoted4           cyan            white
color quoted5           blue            white
color quoted6           magenta         white
color quoted7           red             white
color quoted8           green           white
color quoted9           cyan            white
color underline         brightgreen     white
color index             blue            white "~N"
color index             magenta         white "~T"
color index             red             white "~D"

color header            red             white "^(From|Subject):"
# point out url's
color body              magenta         white 
\t\n\r\"<>()]*[^][{} \t\n\r\"<>().,:!])?/?"
color body              blue            white "[-a-z_0-9.+]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
color body              red             white  "(^|)\\*[-a-z0-9äöüß*]+\\*[,.?]?[ \n]"
color body              green           white  "(^|)_[-a-z0-9äöüß_]+_[,.?]?[ \n]"
color body              red             white "^(From|Subject):"

# smilies and the like
color body              green           white "<[Gg]>"
color body              green           white "<[Bb][Gg]>"
# see also the variables smileys
color body              green           white ">?[;:][-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP][)}]*"
color body              green           white ">?[;:][-^]?[)(><}{|/DP][)}]*"

Sorry for the long lines.

Anyway, I would like to see these colors when reading and composing
mail, as well as the final stage mail composition window (where you
finalize the headers, attachments, etc, and give the final sendoff).

Any ideas what I am missing?  I get colors in vim when I edit shell
scripts, C code, perl, etc.  What am I doing wrong?  I am sure it is a
config issue, because I don't get these colors on my RH 6.2 box at
home or my Mandrake 7.1 box at work.  I'm still fighting to get the
VVV patch port to build right on FreeBSD - FreeBSD is great, but the
ports are a pain.

Anyway, as always, help is appreciated, wether explicit, pointer to
the info, rtfm, etc.

Louis LeBlanc
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://acadia.ne.mediaone.net                Ô¿Ô¬

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