Hi all!  I've recently been hacking away at my .muttrc, and learning a
whole lot in the process ;)  There's two things though that I'd like to
figure out (pointers to manpage entries welcome :).  
        First, I'd like it if the builtin pager did NOT jump to the next message when 
I'm at the end and hit <pagedown> or <down>.  I have the keys bound to next/prev line
with arrows and next/prev page for page up/down.  This is how I'd like to navigate, 
just not jumping to the next message automatically.  I'd rather bind some keys like 
"<" and ">" to next/prev message.
        The next thing may be a vim thing or a mutt thing, I'm not too
sure.  When I reply or forward a message, it starts the cursor at the
bottom of the message (under the quoted text), but above the sig.  Any
help on either of these would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!


Kyle Knack

"Three o'clock in the afternoon is always just a little 
too late or a little too early for anything you want to do."
 -- Jean-Paul Sartre

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