At Sat, Aug 04 2001 [14:23 -0400], Kyle Knack aroused my curiosity with:
> Steff,
>      I have always had the 'alternates' line set (I just modified it a
> bit to match better), so I just added the 'reverse_name' option.  I'm
> gonna guess that it's probably something to do with some of my other
> settings, and I'll figure it out eventually.  Just hoping maybe someone
> went through this before and stumbled on some conflicting options ;)

The only thing that overrides reverse_name is "set [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -
as far as I know.
But you have mentioned in a previous mail that you have commented that
out. Have you readded your "set from=" line after reverse_name doesn't
seem to work, or is there another one?


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