Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> You don't _have_ to split up your .muttrc. It's just a feature, and it
> has it's uses.

Well, really? This would be great for me. But I don't know how to write
only one muttrc when switching my digfferent identity settings on pres-
sing a key (F11/F12).  Is there really a mechanism to do this *without*
sourcing separate files?

> I suppose so. You say potato, I say potahto :)

And you like tomato, and I like tomahto. ;-)

> > > Mutt is perfect the way it is, IMNSHO :)
> > I don't think it's perfect.  It's just good. :-)
> Well, it's supposed to suck less than the other mail clients, right? :)

Way, indeed! This is the reason for switching to mutt a few months ago.


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