On 11/11/01 07:09 PM, Jack Baty sat at the `puter and typed:
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 05:18:12PM -0500, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> > My mother isn't  real computer  savvy (I  can't seem to  get her  to stop
> > sending mail in all caps :), and her email skills are limited to "real
> > basic"  at best,  but I  still like  to be  able to  email her.  And I
> > *absolutely do not* want to have to change clients just so we can read
> > each other's mail.
> > 
> I agree completely that until most MUAs handle pgp the "right way", the
> capability for doing it the wrong way should be available, and not too
> terribly difficult to use. With all of the screaming I've been doing lately
> about *never* opening attachments, if all of my messages started appearing as
> attachments only, I'd be slapped silly.
> I might argue, in the case of recipients who's skills are somewhat basic,
> that signing messages may not even be necessary, since uninitiated
> users are unlikely to verify signitures, or even care that they exist.

Yes, but when  there are a couple conspiracy theorists  in the family,
they will. They will also certainly take time to decrypt one :).

Savvy or not.

Louis LeBlanc               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://www.keyslapper.org                     ԿԬ

Newman's Discovery:
  Your best dreams may not come true; fortunately, neither will
  your worst dreams.

Attachment: msg20363/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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