On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 03:39:14PM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> Occasionally, I Cc an email and the recipient of the Cc assumes
> that the email is directed to them (and not just copied to them).
> Is it possible to add an attribution-like line similar to:
> This is a copy of an email sent to <main_recipient>
> Would be nice to have this for Bcc (and bounce)  as well.

When I remember, I often do this manually ... I write something like
this ...

Dear MainRecipient,

[CC: CCRecipient]

Blah blah ...

This makes it clear to both the main recipient and the CC recipient that
the message is not just going to one or other of them.  Nothing
automated, but I usually write messages to a single individual or to a
well-defined group (thus no need for CC).

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager
ICRF Cancer Epidemiology Unit, Oxford UK
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