On Jan 28, Justin R. Miller [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Thus spake Nicholas A. Martini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > does anyone know how to make mutt show messages from yoursef (or
> > another address) show up as read, or not new, or something? it would
> > be handy for high-volume lists.
> Well, as for "something", I use these settings:
>       folder-hook . 'color index brightblue default ~P'
>       folder-hook sent 'uncolor index brightblue default ~P'
>       folder-hook . 'uncolor index brightmagenta default "~x 
>mithrandir.codesorcery.net !~P"'
>       folder-hook lists 'color index brightmagenta default "~x 
>mithrandir.codesorcery.net !~P"'
>       folder-hook lists 'color index green default ~p'
> Which has the effect of showing mail from me as brightblue (except in my
> sent folder, which is unnecessary), threads that I've been a part of as
> brightmagenta, and mail sent directly to me but that ends up in a list
> folder as green so as to distinguish it further from list mail (aside
> from the "to_chars" markings).  

Yeah, you can do some great stuff with that.  My own settings do the

foreground colors:
- mails to me are foreground yellow (even in my non-list boxes...helps make
  spam easy to visually identify)
- mails from me are foreground green
- mails in a thread I've participated in are foreground magenta
- mails to me from a known alias are foreground cyan (I use this and my
  alias list to basically flag "interesting" people)
- mails from certain particular people get their own color

background colors:
- normal mails are background default
- new mails invert the regular colors (so new mails to me are background
  yellow, foreground default)
- tagged mails are background white
- flagged mails are background red

a few special cases that override other colors:
- messages bigger than 10k are red on default
- deleted mails are brightblack on default

My wife looks at my mail desktop and thinks I'm nuts, but it saves a
heckuva lot of unnecessary scanning.

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