I have both installed pgp 2.6.3 and gpg 1.0.6 (with imported pgp keys). 
As default I use gpg.rc from the mutt source distribution.

Some of my e-mail partners still have only pgp 2. I am looking now for a
smart/automatic way to select pgp2.rc depending on the recipients address,
because pgp 2 users cannot read gpg encrypted messages.

Any ideas, suggestions?

-- Ullrich Horlacher, BelWue Coordination ------- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] --
   Computing Centre University of Stuttgart (RUS)  phone: +49 711 685 5868
   Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany        fax: +49 711 678 8363
-- saft://saft.belwue.de/framstag ----------------- http://www.belwue.de/ ----

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