Flavien --

...and then Flavien said...
% Hi,

Hello and welcome!

% *) I filter my fetchmailed-mails through procmail and send the
% mails to the appropriate folders (especially mailing lists). Mutt
% does not show "N" in front of the dirs. I read on this list
% that's because mutt compares the last-access-time of the mailbox 
% file, and the one of .muttrc. But in fact, I do not run mutt all

As Nicolas already pointed out but as bears repeating, the .muttrc file
timestamp has absolutely nothing to do with new mail checking.  I'd like
to know where you read that and if you really did; I don't recall such
info coming across the list.

The mailboxes command will probably take care of this for you, as Will
suggested.  Beware of anything else checking for new mail, though.

% *) When I select recipient, There's only one line. If I select
% more than 2 persons, then it get's scrolled, and I cannot see
% all of them. I find it pretty annoying.

This actually just came up recently, and that was the first time I'd seen
it.  I'd rather have a compose window that doesn't get overloaded with
recipient information than try to fit it all in; my last contract status
update email went to over 1100 addresses (via bcc, of course) and that
would never fit anyway.  I like the $edit_headers suggestion; in fact,
that's my practice, too.

% *) When reading a list, I often press 'd'. I would like mutt
% to display the next _unread_ message, and not the next message
% in the list (I have the messages sorted by thread, thus it
% often displays messages I already read). 

This might require a little magic, since I'm too lazy to go into the
manual to look to see if you can tell mutt to jump to next-new instead of
next when resolving.  You could always turn off $resolve and then do
something like

  macro pager d '<exit><delete-message><next-new>'
  macro index d '<exit><delete-message><next-new>'

and achieve what you desire...

% Any suggestion on one/another of these points ?

Hope those help :-)

% Other than that, I'm _so happy_ that I can read my mail archives
% from work/home, that I can even use email without X, and that
% it starts faster than my previous mailer ... Thanks to mutt
% developpers ! :o)

Hear, hear :-)

% Flavien.
% -- 
% <doogie> Thinking is dangerous.  It leads to ideas.
%       -- Seen on #Debian

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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