* Wim Kerkhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-22 16:18]:
> I've got a couple of things to tweak yet before
> I'll be as productive with multiple folders as I
> was in NS, but otherwise I'm a really happy camper.
> I'm so used to having a 3 way split in my mail
> program: folders on the left side, message list in
> the top right, and preview in the bottom right.
> With that setup, it's a breeze to drag and
> drop messages to any of my 138 folders.

Now, I understand the value of dragNdrop -
but what's wrong with tag+save?

giving access to several windows means
that more commands must be distributed
among the available keys.  this means
that some keys are bound to commands
which simply switch between the windows.

that's why different menus allow
more commands for each menu.

also, seeing all folders can be nice, too -
but I don't have a monitor to
show all of my 5,000 folders.  ;-)

Sven  [hey - folders DSW!]

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