* darren chamberlain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-05 19:57]:
> Vim has a "scriptnames" command, which "lists all sourced
> script names, in the order they were first sourced."
> I find it to be *very* useful, and something similar should be
> considered for inclusion if a variable dump is added to mutt.

let's not take it too far!

there are a LOT of features in vim
which I'd like to see in mutt -
but the combination might look like a
new version of emacs - without the LISP.

it would be a big step if the error reporting
was improved when you ":source file" -
from a setup file and (especially)
from with mutt on the command line.

alas, the error reporting of mutt sucks.
(well, compared to better programs.
 there's always worse, of course. ;-)

i'd be content if mutt printed errors with
an error type number as you can find errors
in the source much more easily; and also
makes documentation much easier.  example:

  mutt: error[type]: filename line_number
   errand line

also, a printout on the sourced files
during startup makes it easier to
see which files are actually used.
helpful for both users and admins.

but what's an idea unless you have a patch?

Sven  [switching over to mutt-dev]

$ vim
  1: /import/local/share/vim/vimrc
  2: /import/local/share/vim/syntax/syntax.vim
  3: /import/local/share/vim/syntax/synload.vim
  4: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/filetype.vim
  5: /home/robinson/emailer/guckes/.vimrc
  6: /home/robinson/emailer/guckes/.vimrc.forall
  7: /home/robinson/emailer/guckes/.P/vim/source/html.vim
  8: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/syntax/syntax.vim
  9: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/syntax/nosyntax.vim
 10: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/syntax/synload.vim
 11: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/syntax/syncolor.vim
 12: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/plugin/bufexplorer.vim
 13: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/plugin/explorer.vim
 14: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/plugin/gzip.vim
 15: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/plugin/netrw.vim
 16: /import/local/share/vim/vim61/plugin/rrhelper.vim

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