* Dan Boger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-05 20:52]:
> On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 10:38:52PM +0200, Sven Guckes wrote:
> > if the sources are strict about this then
> > the script should be quite trivial. anyone?
> without any debugging, this seems to work.
> perl -lne 'next unless /,\s+DT_/ or /^\s*\*\*/; next if /DT_SYN/;print "\n$1: 
>(default $2)" and next if /{ "([^"]+)".*, 
>(.*)\}/;chomp;s/^\s*\*\*//;s/\.pp$//;s/\\f.//g; s/\.d.//g;print' init.h|more

nice - thanks!

> no attempt has been made to
> make this readable though.


now the descriptions need to be commented.
hmm.. should be as easy as this:
  sed -e 's/^ /# /'
yep - works.  :-)

and "more" should be "less" of course. ;-)
seriously - the output should go to stdout.
everyone knows how to redirect that, right?

here it is again:
  perl -lne 'next unless /,\s+DT_/ or /^\s*\*\*/; next if /DT_SYN/;print "\n$1: 
(default $2)" and next if /{ "([^"]+)".*, 
(.*)\}/;chomp;s/^\s*\*\*//;s/\.pp$//;s/\\f.//g; s/\.d.//g;print' init.h| sed -e 's/^ 
/# /'

(don't forget to pipe the output to $PAGER! ;-)

and now the defaults must be added
such that mutt will accept them
when reading them from a file:

 in: alias_file: (default UL "~/.muttrc" )
out: set alias_file="~/.muttrc"

this one's easy - the others reference
some defined values in mutt.h :

  abort_nosubject: (default M_ASKYES )
  abort_unmodified: (default M_YES )

tricky.  anyone?

Sven  [again redirecting this to mutt-dev]

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