On Mon 08-Apr-2002 at 01:25:08 +1200, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> > built-in editor - Right at the end of the manual of course ;-).
> Hm, I presume you must mean the editor window key bindings.  Sorry,
> but the editor window is when I edit message bodies.  If editing e.g.
> the fcc field in composer after pressing f is also the editor, the
> manual should say so.

True, there are two different things in the manual both called "editor",
one is internal and line-oriented, the other is a user-specified
external program.

Actually, the built-in editor _can_ be used instead of vi/vim/pico etc..
If you make sure you have no $EDITOR or $VISUAL set in your environment
and then ':unset editor' before composing a message, then it is used by
default (I can't think of any real use for this).


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