dgc --

...and then David Champion said...
% * On 2002.04.06, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
% *     "Rob 'Feztaa' Park" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
% > Alas! David T-G spake thus:
% > > % Use perl or python or egrep of emacs or some of the more modern vi
% > > recall that egrep is *not* the same as mutt.
% But can we assume that perl is the same? I don't believe that we can.

I don't know about that one; my recollection is that perl worked well
enough, but it wasn't my test at the time.

BTW, it seems that [^(lauratg)] does not work; group-replies to said
family broadcast messages suddenly come from this David T-G guy that mutt
doesn't recognize :-)

% That's the essence of the question; unfortunately it needs someone who's
% been paying attention to code evolution (or a C reader with way too much
% free time) to answer it.


% Hmm -- or a quick hack that uses perl's regex.c. I'll get on that.

Why not a quick hack that uses mutt's, or whatever regex library mutt is
using?  I don't get the perl source bit...

% -- 
%  -D.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]        NSIT    University of Chicago

TIAagain & HAND

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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