On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 09:02:42PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Hi!
> ...and then William Park said...
> % 
> % On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 08:44:09PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> ...
> % > For one, now mutt insists on being all colorful, which just sucks for me.
> % > Is there any way to force mutt into mono mode?
> % 
> % Mutt defaults to colour in Linux too.  So, copy over your .muttrc to new
> % machine.
> No dice; I did (and found that BSD regexps are different from GNU
> regexps, so I had to rewrite some of it -- and I've added this color
> junk, too!).
> Perhaps it's not fair to say that "mutt defaults to color"; perhaps it's
> a different implementation of xterm (my term type) or vt100 (what screen
> tells the apps I am).

recent (since last year) versions of screen add you use back-color-erase (bce)
to its terminfo description - so that would save on painting things to the
background color.

       bce [on|off]

       Change background-color-erase setting. If "bce" is set  to
       on, all characters cleared by an erase/insert/scroll/clear
       operation will be  displayed  in  the  current  background
       color. Otherwise the default background color is used.

screen uses 'vt100' if there's nothing more suitable (and it isn't really
emulating vt100 anyway - it's "compatible", which is not the same thing).

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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