When I am in mutt and I press 'm' to compose a new mail, and I'm then
dropped into my editor (vim), I'd like to have it so that I'll always
be automatically already in vim's insert mode.

Right now, once mutt puts me into vim after I press 'm',
and I am in vim's 'normal mode' ready to compose a new mail,
I can invoke vim's 'O' command (open a new line above the
cursor and put the editor into insert mode) to get exactly
what I want -- insert mode plus the new line.

What I'd like to do is put the 'O' command into a mutt macro,
and I've forgotten how I'd do it.

I already have this:

# Start cursor at line 9 (with edit_hdrs set) when composing new mails ('m'):
macro index   m    ":set editor='vim +9'^M_A"  "compose a new mail message"
macro pager   m    ":set editor='vim +9'^M_A"  "compose a new mail message"

(Earlier in my .muttrc I bound "_A' to (send a) mail, ('m' by default), so
that 'm' could be the key for the macro.)

How do I put vim's 'O' command into a this macro so that it does what
I want?

                    // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //

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