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On Saturday, November 10 at 01:29 AM, quoth Sertaç Ö. Yıldız:
>* Kyle Wheeler [09.Kas.07 15:16 -0600]:
>The w3mimg protocol is documented in the source files like this:
>  0  1  2 ....
> +--+--+--+--+ ...... +--+--+
> |op|; |args             |\n|
> +--+--+--+--+ .......+--+--+
>  args is separeted by ';'
>  op   args
>   0;  params          draw image
>   1;  params          redraw image
>   2;  -none-          terminate drawing
>   3;  -none-          sync drawing
>   4;  -none-          nop, sync communication
>                       response '\n'
>   5;  path            get size of image,
>                       response "<width> <height>\n"
>  6;  params(6)       clear image
>  params
>       <n>;<x>;<y>;<w>;<h>;<sx>;<sy>;<sw>;<sh>;<path>
>  params(6)
>       <x>;<y>;<w>;<h>

True, and I saw that, however it doesn't really explain what all those 
things mean. What is n? x? y? w? h? I mean, I can make some reasonable 
guesses for most of them:

     n -> ?
     x -> x coordinate to draw the image at (top left corner)
     y -> y coordinate to draw the image at (top left corner)
     w -> width to draw the image
     h -> height to draw the image
     sx -> ???
     xy -> ???
     sw -> width of the original (source) image
     sh -> height of the original (source) image

Thanks, though!

- -- 
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; but if 
you really make them think, they'll hate you.
                                                         -- Don Marquis
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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