On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:21:29PM +0100, Marianne Promberger wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday, 25 September 2008, 12:52 (UTC+0200), Marco Giusti wrote:
> > ciao!
> > i'm using mutt with two different email accounts. generally i use the
> > first one but i need to use the second to send email to the university
> > so i set the following send-hook:
> > 
> >     unhook send-hook
> >     unhook send2-hook
> > 
> >     send-hook . unmy_hdr From Reply-To
> > 
> > 
> >     send-hook . 'set sendmail="~/bin/msmtpQ -a gmail"; \
> >                  set from = "Marco Giusti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"; \
> >                  my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> I had problems trying to achieve the same thing with "set from" and
> I'm now using 
> send-hook . 'my_hdr From: My Name  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
> But I didn't know about "unmy_hdr", so "my_hdr" may not be necessary, and
> there may be a better way to do it with "set from" ("better" because
> for all I remember with my_hdr From, "set reverse_name" doesn't work).
> m.

thanks a lot, using my_hdr works great. i will play with unmy_hdr to
determinate if it is necessary. anyway i cannot understand reverse_name
and i don't use it


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