On Tue, 4 Aug 2009, Rado S wrote:

=- Robert Holtzman wrote on Tue  4.Aug'09 at  0:34:22 -0700 -=

When reading mail from my Debian 5.02 laptop Mutt won't read messages
on the support-firefox list giving the error message that
support-firefox is not a mailbox. The kicker is that mutt on my Ubuntu
Hardy desktop doesn't exhibit this behavior. Both computers have
identical ~/.muttrc files, one having been copied over to the other.

Compare the mailbox files, check the 'From ' lines.

You're right. When I set up the laptop  I screwed up and didn't name
the firefox file exactly like I had it on the desktop box.

 Thanks for the reply.

Bob Holtzman
AF9D 8760 0CFA F95A 6C77  E125 BF90 580F 8D54 9279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"

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