On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 12:25:32AM +0800, bill lam wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Oct 2009, Kevin Kammer wrote:
> > $ LC_ALL=C mutt
> AFAIK, gnu sort perform case sensitive sort for POSIX or C locale,
> compare output from
>   ls |sort                 # case insensitive in my locale
>   ls |LC_ALL=C sort        # case sensitive

Yes, ls |sort executed in my shell, with the default UTF-8 locale, is
case insensitive. Regex searches in the shell or other programs behave
as expected (i.e. lower-case search patterns are insensitive, whereas
mixed-case patterns only match results with the same capitalization).

So far as I can tell, Mutt is the only program that is forcing even
lower-case patterns to be case-sensitive (unless I change the locale
before launching mutt). This does not mean that it is Mutt's fault
per-se; perhaps Mutt is more sensitive to some matter of strict API
compliance that the rest of the system hacks around. 

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