On 2009.12.17 15:00:49 +0000, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Rem P Roberti <remeg...@comcast.net> [12-17-09 12:38]:
> > 
> > I guess we are making progress.  I did all of the above (I already
> > had .muttrc set correctly) and now when I try and print I get this
> > nice blue sysinstall-like window telling me:
> > 
> > Line 636: Error while running dvips
> > No such file or directory
> > 
> > Now it is true, there is no dvips installed on the box.  So I thought
> > that going to /usr/ports/print/dvips and doing an install would solve
> > the problem.  However when I try and do that I get a lengthy error
> > message.  If dvips is indeed necessary, and you would like to see the
> > error message, I will send it along.
> Well, you are on a different distro that I, openSUSE 11.2.  I suspect you
> need to install texlive-latex or some combination of texlive and latex as
> the dvips binary is needed:
>   dvips - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
> 14:56 wahoo:~ > rpm -q --requires muttprint
>   LaTeX  
>   psutils  
>   perl  
>   perl-Text-Iconv  
>   perl-TimeDate  
>   rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
>   rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
>   /usr/bin/env  { from coreutils }
>   libc.so.6()(64bit)  
>   libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.5)(64bit)  
>   libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3)(64bit)  
>   libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4)(64bit)  
>   rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma) <= 4.4.6-1
> your system's requirements will be different as you do not use rpm.  I
> suspect you are on a debian derivative, synaptics *should* provide a list
> of the required supporting packages.  I don't know how you installed
> muttprint, but I would have expected your system to have complained that
> a required package was missing.
> let me know if I can help more.

There were dependencies missing, so I installed them manually. Now when
I try to print I get the blue screen with this:

Line 759: Could not print with lpr -Plp
No such file or directory

I'm stumped


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