On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 12:09:05PM +0000, Patrice Clement wrote:
> I've been looking for a way to get a prompt to fill up the "Cc:" field when I
> want to write a new email. Currently, when I press "m" (you all know what the
> key-binding for "m" is :)), mutt asks me to whom I want to send the email and
> the subject of it. But no "Cc:" comes up. I looked through the documentation
> but couldn't find anything related to this.
> Any clue gentlemen ?

The on-line manual <F1>, has:

  3.10. askcc

   Type: boolean
   Default: no

   If set, Mutt will prompt you for carbon-copy (Cc) recipients before
   editing the body of an outgoing message.

Searching for "prompt" eventually reached this bit; "Cc" or "carbon" would
have been quicker, I suppose.


One man's constant is another man's variable.
                                                - A.J. Perlis

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