* Patrice Clement <charlier...@free.fr> [110222 12:12]:
> Hi there
> I've been looking for a way to get a prompt to fill up the "Cc:" field when I
> want to write a new email. Currently, when I press "m" (you all know what the
> key-binding for "m" is :)), mutt asks me to whom I want to send the email and
> the subject of it. But no "Cc:" comes up. I looked through the documentation
> but couldn't find anything related to this.
> Any clue gentlemen ?
> Patrice

The opportunity for Cc: comes after the composition is complete and
the editor is closed with C-x C-#.  Then, pressing c brings up a Cc:
prompt at the bottom of the screen.

Also, at this point, the subject line may be altered by pressing s,
the to line, by pressing t, and the from line, by pressing ESC-f.


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