On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 12:12:38AM -0400, Tim Gray wrote:

> One of the other things I like about notmuch is that I feel it has a
> much more intuitive syntax.  I could never remember which switches I
> needed to use with mairix and mu.  With notmuch, if I want to find
> an email from j...@joe.com with a subject of 'work order', I can
> usually just search 'joe work order' and get the correct email.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't mu and/or mairix require to use a
> from: of f: tag and only match on complete addresses?

indeed wrong; 
  mairix j...@joe.com
  mairix j...@joe.com work order
will do exactly what most people would think it would do. It has some
special treatment of email addresses in addition to that.

The substring wildcard "=" is rather unusual but makes sense once you
actually make use of the additional parameter (which does approximate

Is mairix the only option for mboxes?


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