On 30Oct2011 07:42, Tim Johnson <t...@akwebsoft.com> wrote:
| * Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> [111029 17:51]:
| > The script is (was) wrong. withstdin was actually a differently purposed
| > script and did exhibit that behaviour.
| > 
| > I have modified it. Invoke the new version like this:
| > 
| >   text/html; withstdin --keep --ext=.html open -a Chrome <%s
|    You D'Man Cameron! It works now. :)
| <..> 
| > I'm surprised you need a full path to withstdin if it is in your usualy
| > stuff (as found by which, for example). You really should not need a
| > full path for Chrome at all if it is a normal app. Unless its name isn't
| > plain "Chrome" but something longer like "Google Chrome". Command-Tab
| > should show the app names.
|    I mispoke. I don't need path for withstdin, but yes with Chrome
|    and yes the app name is "Google Chrome"
| > Please refetch the updated script (realised my error after my earlier
| > post, have been modifying the script meanwhile).
|   I've barely started my coffee here. I want to look further at your
|   script and see if it will work for image and video attachments.

Should do. The open-an-app mechanism is the same.

However, as written withstdin leaves the temp copy lying around (the
--keep mode). For HTML this won't waste much disc space by video will
quickly get wasteful. I intend adding a --keep=N option to tidy up the
temp file after N seconds, time for the app to open the file before

For images etc I have a more complex script:


which offers to view the attachment and also to save it, since I find
the "open viewer, quit, ask to save" rigmarole tedious.

It has a million switches (which you can put in $APPHELPER_PREOPTS to
set default behaviour). Manual page here:


Since apphelper finds the file viewer by consulting the mailcap file
I in fact keep two such files around: a plain mailcap and a mailcap-ah
which has lines like:

  image/jpg; ah %s xv; gui
  image/jpg; iminfo %s; copiousoutput

which I use with mutt.

As you can see I run apphelper via a small wrapper script "ah", which I
attach below. It runs apphelper with the autoview mode on and has some
conveniences, such as using the output of `xclip -o` if no filename is
specified so I can X11-copy a URL and then run ah.

Be warned that apphelper is like Apple's iTunes: the gateway drug to wanting
a bunch of other scripts like view-unknown for files with a bad MIME type
label, etc :-)

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

If you take something apart and put it back together again enough times, you
will eventually have enough parts left over to build a second one.
        - Ayse Sercan <a...@netcom.com>
#!/bin/sh -u
# Run app-helper with the autoview mode on, defaulting to view-unknown.
#       - Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> 17dec2002


while [ $# -gt 0 ]
  case "$1" in
    -u)         unlink=1 ;;
    -[nyNYAX])  ahopts="$ahopts $1" ;;
    *)          break ;;

if [ $# = 0 ]
    if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]
        set -- "`xclip -o`" || exit 1
        echo "Usage: $cmd file [command [args...]]" >&2
        exit 2

file=$1; shift
$trace apphelper "$file" -y $ahopts ${1+"$@"} || exit 1

# unlink old copy?
[ $unlink ] || exit 0
[ -s "$file" ] || exit 0
loc=`fileloc "$file"` || exit 1
[ "x$loc" = "x$file" ] && exit 0
exec rm -- "$file"

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