* Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> [111030 13:12]:
> For images etc I have a more complex script:
>   http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/css/bin/apphelper
  Got it.

> which offers to view the attachment and also to save it, since I find
> the "open viewer, quit, ask to save" rigmarole tedious.
> It has a million switches (which you can put in $APPHELPER_PREOPTS to
> set default behaviour). Manual page here:
>   http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/css/manuals/apphelper.1.html
 Looking at it. 
> Since apphelper finds the file viewer by consulting the mailcap file
> I in fact keep two such files around: a plain mailcap and a mailcap-ah
> which has lines like:
>   image/jpg; ah %s xv; gui
>   image/jpg; iminfo %s; copiousoutput
> which I use with mutt.
> As you can see I run apphelper via a small wrapper script "ah", which I
> attach below. It runs apphelper with the autoview mode on and has some
> conveniences, such as using the output of `xclip -o` if no filename is
> specified so I can X11-copy a URL and then run ah.
  Got a lot of issues with ah->apphelper. But first I have to say
  1)I am new to darwin (OSX/Lion)
  2)Even tho' I have used linux steadily for 11 years and am a
  coder, I'm awful green when it comes to shell scripting.
  3)The paths defined by $PATH in the bash shell are considerably
    more complete than are inherited by mutt - and the same can be
        said of mc, as far as I can tell.
  From bash - linus:~ tim$ echo $PATH
  From mutt echo $PATH
  that is, where mutt is launched from iTerm2.

  So when I run /usr/local/bin/ah, the first thing I get is an error
  message about `rm' not being recognized. Well it ain't in $PATH,
  so I can give rm an absolute path. With that done and apphelper
  give its' full path, I'm now getting error messages with apphelper
  the first was on
  mkdirn - command not recognized. 
  I went thru your code and picked out a list of what I take to be
  commands, but don't appear to be shell commands (subcommands?).
  As follows:
  so... I'm guessing that if we solve the problem with mkdirn,
  others will fall in place?

tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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