On 05Nov2011 14:23, Tim Johnson <t...@akwebsoft.com> wrote:
|   Done. I've installed the css package. Added the invocation of
|   env.sh to to .profile. Restarted mutt. With environment :).
|   Below is result of mutt -> !env
| TMPDIR=/var/folders/rj/6r6lch2d1mqb6p8k7s_ydrh80000gn/T/

Interesting. Seems a surprisingly complicated path. Mine's /tmp or ~/tmp
depending, normally.


I'm surprised ~/bin isn't in here. Or do you not have one?

| And when I select an attached .jpg file, I get this
| (as well as the image, yay!)
| Press any key to continue...
| /var/folders/rj/6r6lch2d1mqb6p8k7s_ydrh80000gn/T/muttAUDN80.: JPEG
| image data, JFIF standard 1.01
| /usr/local/bin/apphelper: view args=[xv]
| + exec xv

I'm hoping xv worked?

| remap: /Users/tim/rc/remap: No such file or directory
| Save [/Users/tim/dl/muttAUDN80.]?

It should remember the last save dir if you change that, and you only need to
specify a dir if the file basename is ok (which it isn't above).

| ######################################################################
| And what is the use for rc/remap?
| ######################################################################

rc/remap lets apphelper compute a default save file basename from the
supplied filename, for example if you get sent files with annoying
brackets or spaces in them or with a common naming scheme you want to
recognise. I should probably make it shut up if it is missing. You can
make yourself an empty one. You can also set $APPHELPER_REMAPFILE in your
environment to the preferred location of the remap file, and set it to
/dev/null if you want to not bother. Or you can set $APPHELPER_SAVEMAP
to an arbitrary shell command instead of the default call to the remap

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

I sympathize with the makers of _The Net_. We're sad bastards really and
they're trying their best to make us seem interesting.
        - d...@prim.demon.co.uk (Dave Griffiths)

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