On 06Nov2011 13:46, Tim Johnson <t...@akwebsoft.com> wrote:
| * Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> [111106 11:31]:
| > |   Also, would like to eliminate prompt to save file.  Do you mind
| > |   resending me the URL for your documentation. I lost it. Sorry!
| > 
| > http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/css/manuals/apphelper.1.html
| > 
| > Sounds like you want the -N, -Y or -A options.
| > 
| > Half the point of apphelper is to view-and-offer-to-save. Otherwise you
| > may as well just run the viewer directly. (Unless you want to always
| > save the file I guess.)

I meant to mention here that there are three responses to that prompt:

  y or yes      Save the file with the suggested name.
  n or no or just <enter>
                Skip saving the file.
  a filename    Save the file to your specified filename.

There's a whole section on "Saving The File" in the manual entry.
The convenience is remembering where the last file was saved,
and offering easy default and don't-save responses.
And it has some shortcuts for common fix-the-name stuff.

|   Since I would prefer just to save the attachment directly from
|   mutt, I changed the rules to bypass ah.


|   Right now I have the relevant rules: (possible line wrapping...)
|   text/html; withstdin --keepfor=60 --ext=.html open -a
|   /usr/local/bin/chrome <%s
|   image/jpg; xv %s; gui
|   image/jpeg; xv %s; gui
|   image/gif; xv %s; gui
|   What I have tried worked more or less like in linux.

Looks good to me.

|   But, with your reference to apphelper being a 'gateway drug', I
|   would be happy to experiment further with it to see what other
|   uses it has.

I think I originally wrote apphelper for use with mozilla/firefox et al,
which would often present PDFs inline or hand them off to some viewer,
with _no_ save option at all. By making apphelper the handler for these
things I got to pick my viewer with more care and got the save option
as well (because I almost invariably want to archive any PDF I read).
BTW, being fired from a browser is the reason for the optional leading
"-t" option, to spawn a terminate for the view/save dialogue.

Then I started using it with mutt because the save facilities worked
better for me. If I just want to save something I do indeed use mutt's
attachment menu save facility, but if I view a file I welcome the
following save request. It also has a guess-the-file-type facility for
maltyped downloads.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

When you are in it up to your ears, keep your mouth shut.

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