does anyone have a answer to this problem? I've a similar one.
I run dovecot as an imap-server and sort my mails in a folder in maildir format.
So some of the folders have longer names and looks like:
~/.Mailinglisten.emacs_orgmode ~/Maildir/.Mailinglisten.Mutt

When using them in the sidebar, I see only ".Mailingli" 
with a sidebar_width=22
Can I shorten the name or use an alias or something like this

* postman_miler <postmanmi...@gmail.com> wrote on 29.01.2010 at 17:15:
> I'm using mutt version 1.5.18 with sidebar patch and have several Gmail IMAP 
> mailboxes (20+) listed in my muttrc file:
> ...
>   set folder="imaps://f...@imap.gmail.com"
>   mailboxes "=INBOX"
> ...
>   account-hook imaps://f...@imap.gmail.com/ 'set imap_user=f...@gmail.com 
> imap_pass=bar'
> ...
> In sidebar, they are all listed as "INBOX" and I can't be sure which is which 
> just by looking at them.
> Is there a way to change the text displayed for each listed mailbox or to 
> somehow distinguish between them, without accesing them first?

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