On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 09:17:59PM +0100, Nikola Pavlović wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently I switched to Mutt 1.5.21 from latest 1.4, mostly so I could use
> gpgme backend for GnuPG instead of the old command based one.
> Everything works fine except for the weird behaviour when I try to
> encrypt email: Mutt keeps asking me to manually select the recipient key
> ID via 'Enter keyID for em...@example.com' prompt.  I tried entering the
> key ID in all possible formats but apparently it just ignores the input
> and keeps asking.  After I break from it with Ctrl-g, I get the
> following error: 'gpgme_new failed: Not operational'.
> Of course, the recipient key is present on the keyring, the email in 'To'
> field matches the one in the UID field of the key etc.  None of this ever
> happened in 1.4.x.
> The key in question wasn't signed yet (I haven't validated it), so I
> tried signing it with level 1 (i.e. 'I haven't verified the key at all'
> level) just to see if the signature makes any difference and it didn't
> work.  Likewise, when I tried with a level 0 or 2 signature (which are
> accepted by GnuPG as valid in my and the default configuration).  I
> tried the same thing with other recipients--same story.  Basically, I cannot
> encrypt any email.  Note that verifying signatures made by these, or any
> other keys works (so GnuPG is definitely aware of them and Mutt can, in
> principle, select them).

Just to give some more info now that I had more time to fiddle with this

What led me to believe this has something to do with certification and
trust was the fact that all examples of pgp_encrypt_only_command and
pgp_encrypt_sign_command have --always-trust gpg flag in them.  I never
paid much attention to it, but now that I have it seemed odd to me, so
I thought there might be some strange reason to require this and it's
not 'activated' when using GPGME backend.

So today I tried every possible combination of cert and trust levels on
a key (including trust signatures) with no results.  I also tried adding

trust-model always

to gpg.conf, again with no luck.

In the end, I just switched to classic backend and, as I expected,
things are working again--Mutt is able to select the correct key.  Oh well,
good enough I guess, the really important thing for me is the ability to use
gpg-agent from within Mutt.  GPGME just seemed like a more correct way to do
things.  I would still like to solve the problem though.  If I catch
some more time I'll try to build Mutt with --enable-debug and/or dig
through the source, but in the meantime if anyone has any ideas let me
know please.

P.S.  I stumbled upon http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3564, and vague
and non-actionable as it is, it gives me some hope that the problem is
not local to my machine. :)

Ah say, son, you're about as sharp as a bowlin' ball.

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