Luis Mochan schrieb am 15.05.2012 um 15:22 (-0500):

> If I insist enough times, the message eventually is successfully
> displayed in my browser. My guess is that there is some kind of race
> condition which becomes apparent only when my computer is busy, as if
> the browser tries to read the temporal file before mutt finishes
> writing and closing it.

IIRC there was an issue where the file would get deleted before the
browser would get its hands on it. There's a set of Python scripts
that fixes this problem:

Relevant Mutt configuration:

# call viewhtmlmsg from macro
macro index,pager <F7> "\
<enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter>\
<pipe-message>viewhtmlmsg -k0<enter>\
<enter-command> set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter>\
" "view HTML in browser"

macro index,pager <F8> "\
<enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter>\
<pipe-message>viewhtmlmsg -k0 -s<enter>\
<enter-command> set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter>\
" "view HTML (safe) in browser"


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