* On 18 Nov 2012, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> Hi David, et al
> I wondered if you would mind showing me how I could use your python
> code above to implement it into Gary's idea for creating the mail
> Expiry date macro?
> I am a total python beginner and so can't quite make sense of what i
> need to do to achieve what i need.

This is a quick hack and untested beyond the basics, but feel free to
work from it.  It is, or should be, a complete reimplementation of
Gary's script in Python.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import time

        from parsedatetime.parsedatetime import Calendar
except ImportError:
        p = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: please install the parsedatetime module' % p

def fmtdate(spec):
        '''Generate an rfc822 (GMT) time strong for a spec provided in
        the arguments.

        parsedatetime doesn't know anything about timezones, so the
        mktime and gmtime are just to adapt the struct_time value from
        c.parse() from local time to GMT, so that the RFC822 address
        can assume it.  This lets the script work for anyone, without
        needing to calculate a zone offset for your locale.

        rfc822gmt = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0000'
        c = Calendar()
        st, flag = c.parse(spec)
        t = time.mktime(st)
        tm = time.gmtime(t)
        return time.strftime(rfc822gmt, tm)

def main(args):
        defaultdate = 'today + 20 days'
        sys.stdout.write('Expiry date ["%s", "never" to remove]: ' % 
        response = sys.stdin.readline()
        if response == '':
                # eof, ctrl-D
                return 10

        spec = response.strip()
        if spec == '':
                # use default
                spec = defaultdate

        if spec.lower() == 'never':
                # remove header
                cmd = 'formail -i "Expires:"'

                date = fmtdate(spec)
                cmd = 'formail -i "Expires: %s"' % date

        if len(args):
                # if filename given, read from filename
                fp = open(args[0], 'r')
                data = fp.read()
                # else stdin
                data = sys.stdin.read()

        # write all data to pipe, read results back
        cin, cout = os.popen2(cmd)
        data = cout.read()

        if len(args):
                # if filename given, read from filename
                fp = open(args[0], 'w')
                # write to stdout

        return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

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