Changing the subject so this (hopefully) doesn't restart the endless

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 06:27:42AM -0500, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 06:44:35PM -0600, Jim Graham wrote:
> > If you keep track, you'll probably find, as I have, that HTML-only
> > e-mail is between 99% to 100% spam.
> HTML email is sent exclusively by three groups of people:
> 1. Ignorant newbies
> 2. Ineducable morons
> 3. Spammers

Actually, based on what I've seen, only #3 in that list is correct
for around 99% of it.

> There are no exceptions.  It thus, to Jim's point, an excellent
> anti-spam/anti-stupidity technique to refuse all such traffic
> at the MTA.

Note, however, that A) I said HTML-only, not HTML.  I get legitimate
(non-spam) e-mail in multipart/alternative e-mail (and I also get
crap in that format, where it starts with some BS nonsense like
"Your e-mail client is not capable of reading this e-mail" and
then it doesn't include anything else.  Granted, I COULD, if I
wanted to, just switch over to the HTML side, but I have an
easier starts with procmail (as the MDA) and
/dev/null.  I used to take the time to send a message stating
how multipart/alternative is supposed to work, but nobody who
sends it with crap like that in the text side cares.  So /dev/null


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      "'Wrong' is one of those concepts that depends on witnesses."
     --Catbert:  Evil Director of Human Resources (Dilbert, 05Nov09)

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