On 18Dec2012 16:51, Jeremy Kitchen <kitc...@kitchen.io> wrote:
| On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 08:23:12AM +0800, Woody Wu wrote:
| > I defined serveral aliases in .mail_aliase via the 'a' commmand. And, I
| > checked I had
| >   set alias_file=~/.mail_aliases    # where I keep my aliases
| > in my .muttrc.
| are you also sourcing this file in your .muttrc? You need to source it
| as well.

Just to make it clear, alias_file only specifies where mutt writes new
alias definitions. Mutt doesn't automatically consult that file, hence
the need to source it as a separate operation.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

It must be public fact, because I'm not the only one who knows about it.
        - Stefan A. Werner <iczer-1!s...@uunet.uu.net>

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