On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 10:17:26PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> If at all possible I'd like to see the Subject: line for this list
> updated from...
> Subject: ...thread...
> ...to...
> Subject: [mutt-users] ...thread...

Ugh. Please, no.

There are much better ways to filter messages. Here's my strategy:


You seem to be using gmail, so hopefully you'll find my gmail-specific
instructions helpful.

Note that I have not actually tested the majordomo method, though this
very list is where I saw it brought up. My current filtering of the mutt
list works, so I didn't see much reason to change it, but if I were to
ever do so, I would follow the procedure listed there.

Filtering by subject is extremely hairy and prone to false positives
(and false negatives). When you have powerful, easy to use filtering
available to you to precisely target the messages you want without fear
of false positives *or* false negatives, why would you want to use any
other process?

TL;DR: please don't add [mutt-users] to the list subject :)


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